The state of the “Dark Heresy Character Sheet” Apps

Some might have read the news already, Fantasy Flight Games has ended its business relationship with Games Workshop. This means no more Pen & Paper Roleplay Books for the Warhammer franchise. But what happens with our Character Sheet Apps? Well, here is the current situation:

Our contract with Games Workshop ends at the end of March 2017. Until then, everything will stay the same. Contact us if you have problems with the apps or questions and the DH2 multiplayer server will also remain online.

On April 1st, things will change. We will have to pull the apps from the stores, so you won’t be able to download them anymore. Also, the multiplayer server for DH2 will be shut down. You can still play with the apps if they are installed on your devices, they don’t require any kind of internet connection. We hope we can find a solution together with Games Workshop to be able to continue working on the games, as we have so many cool ideas and concepts yet to be shown.

What is changing right now:

We will stop working on new builds and patches for the character sheet apps. For a very small company like us, it is just not viable to keep working on an unknown future. We will keep support up and running until the end of March 2017, and we likely will release one more patch for the second edition app, because there were some really annoying bugs which have to be fixed.

There might be a chance to continue with the character sheet apps and even expand them to the other pen & paper roleplay systems like Deathwatch and Rogue Trader. For this, we need your help! Take a moment and write a mail to Games Workshop to tell them how much you love the character sheet apps! If we can get enough support from you, I’m sure we can keep this adventure running 🙂

If you have any questions, problems or advice, feel free to contact us via all of our channels:, twitter (@dizelabs) or our facebook page

Thank you and try to have a nice day!


Urban Explorer Golf available!


Hello everyone!
Urban Explorer Golf has started its Early Access phase! Just go to our Website and you will see the new “Purchase the Game” section. The game costs 5,99$. For this price, you get instant access to the game and all future updates (weekly updates are usually uploaded on Fridays). We also have a Mac OSX version for Apple users in this package.
If we succeed with our Steam Greenlight Campaign, every buyer (even if you buy the game right now) gets a Steam key attached to the order. To be able to do this, we need your support! Click on the big green banner underneath the Purchase the Game section or go to the Urban Explorer Golf Greenlight Page via your Steam App (Community -> Greenlight -> Search for Urban Explorer Golf) and vote for the game!
You can watch the development of the game every weekday on twitch ( If you have questions, problems or suggestions, write us a message on Facebook, on Twitter (@dizelabs) or via mail (
Have a nice day!
