The End

Hello everyone,
unfortunately I don’t have good news today. On August 16th, we’ve officially closed down our company, DIZELABS GbR. Sorry for the delay of this message, but we weren’t allowed to post this until everything is final. There will be no new version of the character sheet apps. The current versions are already not available on the store anymore.

In the end, it is all about the money. The apps were simply not profitable enough to work full time on them, and it would have taken a huge investment of time and money to redesign and expand the apps. We had to supplement the app development by taking other contract work, which made the development cycle of the apps even slower. After long discussions, we eventually decided to close the company and try out luck in other adventures. While Daniel will pursue a career in the movie industry, Thomas will continue to work as a self employed game and mobile developer. Of course, if you have an interesting open position in your company, feel free to send us a message.

And now?
As I’ve mentioned before, the apps are not in the stores anymore. If you have the app installed on your device, you can still use it. Just don’t uninstall it. The multiplayer server for the 2nd edition app will remain online until the end of October. There will be no more official customer support for the apps, but if you have a problem, the support mail address will be kept alive for a while.

We want to thank everyone of you who made this journey possible. Don’t be sad, have a nice day!

Thomas and Daniel DIZELABS

New office, new server host

Hey everyone,

our new office is finally finished and this is the first post I write from my new desk. Technically, it is the old desk in the new office, but that does not count, does it? After weeks of grouting, wallpapering and painting, we’re done!

Also, you might have noticed the lack of being able to backup your characters in the cloud and the multiplayer being offline. I tried to move the server in time, but it just did not work out, so we have a server downtime at the moment (see the last post why we have to move servers). I’m currently in the middle of setting up the new server and if everything works out, it will be online today, but it might take a couple of days. Our main problem is that due to the updates to meteor (the base of the app), we need to test the app on all mobile devices again before being able to activate the new server. This is because once you connect to the new server, it will push the new meteor version to your device, which might break some things.

Thanks and have a nice day!



Hey everyone.

You might have noticed that we were very silent during the last months. This will change now. Starting today, I (Thomas) am back working full time on the Warhammer40k Digital Character Sheet Apps. I will tell you about the past months and our plans for the future in a few days in a detailed blogpost.

I will start with bugfixing and updating the current versions of our Dark Heresy Digital Character Sheets. So if you have had any problems or found any bugs, please report them to I will also update the systems and the framework as well as our servers. There will also be a redesign of our website, including a message board.

Thank you for your support, and have a nice day!


PS: In case you are wondering what happens with our Urban Explorer Golf Game, it is not dead yet, but we will focus on the Digital Character Sheets for now.

The state of the “Dark Heresy Character Sheet” Apps

Some might have read the news already, Fantasy Flight Games has ended its business relationship with Games Workshop. This means no more Pen & Paper Roleplay Books for the Warhammer franchise. But what happens with our Character Sheet Apps? Well, here is the current situation:

Our contract with Games Workshop ends at the end of March 2017. Until then, everything will stay the same. Contact us if you have problems with the apps or questions and the DH2 multiplayer server will also remain online.

On April 1st, things will change. We will have to pull the apps from the stores, so you won’t be able to download them anymore. Also, the multiplayer server for DH2 will be shut down. You can still play with the apps if they are installed on your devices, they don’t require any kind of internet connection. We hope we can find a solution together with Games Workshop to be able to continue working on the games, as we have so many cool ideas and concepts yet to be shown.

What is changing right now:

We will stop working on new builds and patches for the character sheet apps. For a very small company like us, it is just not viable to keep working on an unknown future. We will keep support up and running until the end of March 2017, and we likely will release one more patch for the second edition app, because there were some really annoying bugs which have to be fixed.

There might be a chance to continue with the character sheet apps and even expand them to the other pen & paper roleplay systems like Deathwatch and Rogue Trader. For this, we need your help! Take a moment and write a mail to Games Workshop to tell them how much you love the character sheet apps! If we can get enough support from you, I’m sure we can keep this adventure running 🙂

If you have any questions, problems or advice, feel free to contact us via all of our channels:, twitter (@dizelabs) or our facebook page

Thank you and try to have a nice day!


Open Game Development starts now!

Sorry for the slow updates regarding our character sheet apps, there are currently some problems outside of our control. As soon as there are news concerning the problems we will post them immediately.

In the meantime we have something special for you. Starting today, we will stream every week day from 9am to 12 pm and from 2pm to 5pm on twitch doing game development! Follow us here:

We are creating a small mobile game at the moment, a 2D urban golf game. This game will be created with an open game development approach, which means you are encouraged to take part in the process! Watch the streams, give comments and post ideas, work with us on the game design document and more!


Dark Heresy Digital Character Sheet 2nd Edition 1.4.8 released!

It’s done!

We’ve just released the new 1.4.8 update. This one has lots of new features and also includes the “Enemies Beyond” supplement.

We hope there isn’t an accidental app reset again, like there was unfortunately in the last major release. Our first priority is to keep your characters save, and we are trying everything to make this possible.

Changes in 1.4.8:
– added “Enemies Beyond” content
– added autosave function, characters are now saved in an extra file on disk
– added damage dice rolls, touch the damage number in the gear or combat tab to roll the dice
– added character sharing between devices
– added filters in psi database view
– changed inventory system
– changed „search“-buttons, they are now called „Database“
– bugfixes

Here is a short description of the new features:

Continue reading Dark Heresy Digital Character Sheet 2nd Edition 1.4.8 released!

Dark Heresy Digital Character Sheet 2nd Edition version 1.4.4 released

IMPORTANT: Please do a local backup of your characters before updating to the new version. There will be a new build up later today which fixes the import of backup characters.

We should really start to shorten our app title 🙂

Today, we have something very special! This minor update contains a brand new version of the framework we use to code the whole app. With this new version, we were able to increase the app’s performance quite a bit! Especially on older (<4.4) Android devices, the app should now run a lot smoother. This is kind of an experimental release, so if you have any problems with the new version, please report back to us immediately.

Changes in this 1.4.4:

  • upgraded app to new framework version
  • improved performance on all devices
  • improved auto updater (now much faster and more reliable)
  • fixed bugs in psychic powers search
  • fixed bugs in skill search

The patch will be available as always later today on the Google play store, and in a few days on the Apple App Store. If you are using the auto updater, you won’t get the performance boost, so please update your app from your app store as soon as it is available.

Dark Heresy: Digital Character Sheet 1.4.3 released

A new day, a new bugfix release!

New in this version:

  • fixed missing appearance content on Enemies Without homeworlds
  • fixed PDF generator bug on android devices
  • added number input fields for free and manual characteristics in the character creator
  • fixed imperial navy gear in character creator
  • changed sorting of talent/skill specializations (now alphabetically)
  • fixed a typo in the homeworlds character creator
  • fixed bug in aptitudes editor

The patch is available now via the auto updater, later today via the google play store for android devices and in a few days via the Apple App Store for iPhones and iPads.

With the next patch, we will try to improve the performance, especially on Android devices.

Dark Heresy: Digital Character Sheet 1.4.2 released

The first bugfix update for the new Enemies Without update has been released. You can get it now if you’ve activated automatic updates (at the bottom of the overview tab), later today via Google play store and in a few days via the Apple App Store.

Changes in 1.4.2:

  • fixed android landscape mode
  • fixed research station not available in Enemies Without homeworlds
  • fixed empty search results in inventory
  • added specific “Enemies Without” homeworlds
  • added more options to lore skills

Thanks to everyone that found these bugs 🙂