With all the buzz and news around our “Dark Heresy Digital Character Sheet” app, one might forget that we also have another app in store called “isitcut”. In Germany, we have a very strict movie rating system, which results in many movies being cut to get a wider audience. With isitcut, users should be able to see if they are going to buy a cut or uncut film by scanning the barcode.
Unfortunately, we cannot run isitcut the way we want to at the moment. Every barcode has to be checked by us manually, title and publisher added and then the search for “cut or uncut” begins.
Another problem is the payment model. When we started the project, we thought a 1 Euro per 5 checks (with the first 5 being free) seemed reasonable, because if you don’t buy one movie because it is cut, you saved yourself around 10 Euro (or more). In the two years we are running this app, we sold two in-app purchases for a total revenue of 1,40 Euro.
So, did the app fail? Maybe. Was it a good idea? Absolutely!
The future of “isitcut” is uncertain. At the moment, we have to concentrate all our efforts on our Warhammer apps. Maybe we will just make isitcut community driven, which means we eliminate the in-app purchase and add a form into the app to add movies.